Description : It is a powder detergent that has the ability to electrically disable weak chemical bonding between dirt particles and also with the surface of the vehicle. This product first of all improves the cleaning, secondly needs less man power and thirdly needs less time to achieve desired cleanliness
Dilution :
- Heavy soil: 1 part of Zero Scrub to 9 parts of water.
- Medium soil: 1 part Zero Scrub to 20 parts of water
- Light soil: 1 part of Zero scrub to SO parts of water.
Directions : Set soap intake to the desired level. Do a section at a time. Start applying from the BOTTOM up. Turn off soap intake, turn on to high pressure and wash from BOTTOM up. And finally RINSE from TOP down. Do Kleenex test.
Kleenex Test : At the end of the washing, take a Kleenex, Tissue and wipe across and up and down and inspect for the extent of brown film. If the film is darker you need to increase the concentration or the water temperature or contact time.
Precautions : Zero Scrub is an alkaline detergent. Wear gloves, mask and goggles.